Personally, I have had a strong interest in computers since I was in the
5th grade and self-hosted my first Minecraft server. By learning port
forwarding and exactly how the systems in place functioned to make it
possible, it got me hooked into the world of computing. As I stumbled
my way down the computer science rabbit hole, I found myself learning
how to use Linux machines for hacking systems, which in turn opened
up an entire new realm to explore. By now, I have a fair amount of
computer science experience with programming in languages ranging
from assembly to Java, operating various terminals such as Bash or
Windows Command Prompt, and working on commputing devices' hardware.
My career goals is rather straightforward, and yet complicated at the same
time. Ultimately, I would absolutely love to conduct research on quantum
computing cybersecurity, since the impact of it on our modern security
systems is revolutionary, to say the least. However, I acknowledge that my
career desires may be a tad ambitious, so I am also keeping my options open
to focus on a potential opportunity with running a senior living management-level
I.T. company, so that senior living communities can outsource their I.T. services
to me with the right rates or incentives.
There are so many things to choose from, I personally find it impossible to select
only two, so I will have to be a bit broad in my selections! The first and foremost
things I desire learning is more about God since I am a semi-new Christian, so I
would love to walk out my faith knowing more about Him. Secondly, I would
absolutely love to learn everything I can on the evolutionary and creationism
debate, as I think there are many uncovered facts lying in that area! Moreover,
in the process of doing both of these prior ones, I will be able to explore other
passions of mine, such as learning languages. I don't know much other languages
currently, but I know in time I will take on many tongues!
To be completely honest, the first website that came to mind was Google Drive,
though I wanted to have a bit more fun, so I got to thinking, and one website that
I currently like a bit more than Google Drive (though, Google Drive is fantastic),
is! I have been studying Chess more and more recently (another one
of the many things I'd want to add to the previous section), and it has become a
great website to help me play with other people, pass the time, and get angry at
a screen as I realize I have just given someone my rook for free...
Who wouldn't love a website like that?